A Review on Theory and Modelling of Nanomechanical Sensors for Biological Applications
Jose Jaime Ruz * , Oscar Malvar , Eduardo Gil-Santos , Daniel Ramos , Montserrat Calleja and Javier Tamayo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/pr9010164

N-Terminal VP1 Truncations Favor T = 1 Norovirus-Like Particles
Ronja Pogan, Victor U. Weiss, Kevin Bond, Jasmin Dülfer, Christoph Krisp, Nicholas Lyktey, Jürgen Müller-Guhl, Samuele Zoratto, Günter Allmaier, Martin F. Jarrold, Cesar Muñoz-Fontela, Hartmut Schlüter and Charlotte Uetrecht
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/vaccines9010008

Genomic Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Madrid, Spain, during the First Wave of the Pandemic: Fast Spread and Early Dominance by D614G Variants
Esther Viedma, Elias Dahdouh, José María González-Alba, Sara González-Bodi, Laura Martínez-García, Fernando Lázaro-Perona, Raúl Recio, María Rodríguez-Tejedor, María Dolores Folgueira, Rafael Cantón, Rafael Delgado, Julio García-Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Galán, Jesús Mingorance
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9020454


Metagenomic Detection of Two Vientoviruses in a Human Sputum Sample
Fernando Lázaro-Perona, Elias Dahdouh, Sergio Román-Soto, Sonia Jiménez-Rodríguez, Carlos Rodríguez-Antolín, Fernando de la Calle, Alexander Agrifoglio, Francisco Javier Membrillo, Julio García-Rodríguez and Jesús Mingorance

Optomechanical detection of vibration modes of a single bacterium
Eduardo Gil-Santos, Jose J. Ruz, Oscar Malvar, Ivan Favero, Aristide Lemaître, Priscila. M. Kosaka, Sergio García-López, Montserrat Calleja & Javier Tamayo

Effect of particle adsorption on the eigenfrequencies of nano-mechanical resonators
J. J. Ruz, O. Malvar, E. Gil-Santos, M. Calleja, and J. Tamayo.

Force Sensing with an Optomechanical Self-Oscillator
B Guha, PE Allain, A Lemaître, G Leo, I Favero. Physical Review Applied 14 (2), 024079  (2020)

Optomechanical resonating probe for very high frequency sensing of atomic forces
Pierre Etienne Allain, Lucien Schwab, Colin Mismer, Marc Gely, Estelle Mairiaux, Maxime Hermouet, Benjamin Walter, Giuseppe Leo, Sébastien Hentz, Marc Faucher, Guillaume Jourdan, Bernard Legrand, Ivan Favero



Purification of complex samples: Implementation of a modular and reconfigurable droplet-based microfluidic platform with cascaded deterministic lateral displacement separation modules.
E. Pariset, C. Pudda, F. Boizot, N. Verplanck, F. Revol-Cavalier, J. Berthier, A. Thuaire, V. Agache, PLOS ONE

Separation of Biological Particles in a Modular Platform of Cascaded Deterministic Lateral Displacement Modules
E. Pariset, C. Parent, Y. Fouillet, F. Boizot, N. Verplanck, F. Revol-Cavalier, A. Thuaire, V. Agache, Scientific Reports
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-34958-8

Norovirus-like VP1 particles exhibit isolate dependent stability profiles.
Ronja Pogan, Carola Schneider, Rudolph Reimer, Grant Hansman and Charlotte Uetrecht

Effect of surface stress induced curvature on the eigenfrequencies of microcantilever plates
J. J. Ruz, V. Pini, O. Malvar, P. M. Kosaka, M. Calleja, J. Tamayo

Virus-like particle size and molecular weight/mass determination applying gas-phase electrophoresis (native nES GEMMA)
Victor U. Weiss, Ronja Pogan, Samuele Zoratto, Kevin M. Bond, Pascale Boulanger, Martin F. Jarrold, Nicholas Lyktey, Dominik Pahl, Nicole Puffler, Mario Schelhaas, Ekaterina Selivanovitch, Charlotte Uetrecht, Günter Allmaier


Broad Neutralizing Activity Against Ebolaviruses Lacking the Mucin-Like Domain in Convalescent Plasma Specimens From Patients With Ebola Virus Disease.
Joanna Luczkowiak Fatima Lasala Marta Mora-Rillo Jose R Arribas Rafael Delgado. June 2018. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, jiy302,

Norovirus assembly and stability
Ronja Pogan, Jasmin Dülfer, Charlotte Uetrecht. May 2018
Current Opinion in Virology. Elsevier

Direct Detection of OXA-48 Carbapenemase Gene in Lysate Samples through Changes in Mechanical Properties of DNA Monolayers upon Hybridization
Carmen M. Domínguez, Daniel Ramos, Jesús Mingorance, José L. G. Fierro, Javier Tamayo and Montserrat Calleja.Direct Analytical Chemistry 2018 90 (1), 968-973. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b04094

Optimization of the readout of microdrum optomechanical resonatorsValerio Pinia, Daniel Ramos, Carmen M. Domínguez, José Jaime Ruz, Oscar Malvar, Priscila M.Kosaka, Zachary J.Davis, JavierTamayo, Montserrat Calleja. Elsevier. Microelectronic Engineering. Volumes 183–184, 5 November 2017, Pages 37-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mee.2017.10.008


Optomechanical devices for deep plasma cancer proteomics. Priscila M.Kosaka, Montserrat Calleja, Javier Tamayo.  Seminars in Cancer Biology. Elsevier. 10.1016/j.semcancer.2017.08.011. Read »